A panel on how to build community mesh networks at Open Source Bridge 2014 where we discussed both technical and community aspects of such networks.
So many great job positions at @sovtechfund if you care about open source: https://www.sovereign.tech/jobs/technical-program-manager
Kakšna je vloga tehnoloških gigantov pri širjenju dezinformacij in kako učinkovita je pri njihovem omejevanju EU?
Pridruži se nam jutri, 13. decembra, ob 11. uri v hiši EU, kjer bo na razpravi, ki jo organizira Predstavništvo Evropske komisije v Sloveniji, sodeloval tudi Filip!
How to use a legitimate browser extension to steal credit cards. https://github.com/languagetool-org/languagetool/issues/11091
Come work with me!
in Amsterdam / hybrid.
"For the Good of the Internet"!
* Technical Trainer (Network Engineer)
* Chief Registry
* Operations Officer
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* Senior Information Security Engineer
For bonus (points), mention me as a reference!
#GetFediHired ripe.net/jobs
@jub0bs Amazing. You are right. Thanks for this. I just learned something new. :-)
#Kiberpipa / #Cyberpipe and @lugos are organising a #HackerTrain to #FOSDEM.
The main idea is that on the night train from Prague to Brussels
(28-01-2025 18:02 →29-01-2025 9:27) we pick up other #hacker|s along the way and organise an #unconference while we drive towards the main event.
🇧🇪 🚄 Feel free to join and/or share! :blobBongo: 🚋
Info, booking link & discussion:
P.S. We also negotiated a 10% discount for the ±week in both directions.
@jub0bs Are you running with race detector enabled in production? Because otherwise runtime does not detect such cases and does not do anything about them.
Hi all! I ask for 10 minutes of your time. We are in the process of launching a new project. One of the enjoyable, but also very responsible tasks is naming it.
So to make a final selection, I need your help to make the best selection. The questions are fun, just perfect if you are procrastinating at this very moment. Also, you will learn what we are working on. :-) Thank you!
(Feel free to share it as well.)
Grad Zagreb pokreće program potpora projektima otvorenih podataka kao doprinos transparentnosti, boljoj javnoj usluzi i većem građanskom angažmanu https://zagreb.hr/grad-zagreb-pokrece-program-potpora-projektima-otv/201931