
Django app to store and retrieve URL hash (fragment) based webpage state in MongoDB through Django.

It is an experimental idea to store state of GUI of modern dynamic web applications on the server, identified by a string which is then used as hash (fragment) in URL. In this way URL really represents the state of the application so if it is shared and opened independently, visitor gets exactly the same application GUI state (opened windows, location on the page, etc.). On every GUI state change web application sends new state and retrieves string ID for it, updating the URL.

Additionally, this helps application developers to better understand how users are using the application as it allows precise tracking of their interaction with the application. django-hashlink is designed so that it does not store any user identifiable information along its data.

If you have any relevant link, project, idea, comment, feedback, critique,
language fix, or any other information, please share it bellow. Thanks.
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@siderea Probably there is still some uniform schema documents in MongoDB have, even if theoretically each document can have a different one. So asking for document schema could be enough. Or just an example of few documents.

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Pridruži se nam jutri, 13. decembra, ob 11. uri v hiši EU, kjer bo na razpravi, ki jo organizira Predstavništvo Evropske komisije v Sloveniji, sodeloval tudi Filip!

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@jub0bs Amazing. You are right. Thanks for this. I just learned something new. :-)