JSON decoding in node is fast

I made a benchmark comparing how long it takes to decode JSON in node.js and Go. As I have noticed in the past, JSON decoding in node.js is really fast.

I used node v16.0.0 and Go v1.16. For Go, I compared both the structure of the data (providing a struct type) and not knowing it (using map[string]interface{} interface). Moreover, I compared standard encoding/json and jsoniter. I measured on a range of JSON files from 10 regular and 10 array fields (~23 KB) to 200 regular and 200 array fields (~1.3 MB). I repeated each run 10 times and averaged.


node go interface std go interface jsoniter go struct std go struct jsoniter
10 0.00008 0.00016 0.00011 0.00013 0.00060
20 0.00016 0.00036 0.00022 0.00025 0.00063
30 0.00022 0.00058 0.00035 0.00040 0.00067
40 0.00042 0.00088 0.00055 0.00057 0.00072
50 0.00058 0.00119 0.00075 0.00079 0.00080
60 0.00066 0.00154 0.00104 0.00101 0.00088
70 0.00059 0.00200 0.00135 0.00129 0.00092
80 0.00073 0.00239 0.00167 0.00158 0.00100
90 0.00100 0.00289 0.00205 0.00189 0.00111
100 0.00193 0.00333 0.00243 0.00224 0.00120
110 0.00324 0.00388 0.00282 0.00262 0.00133
120 0.00312 0.00445 0.00323 0.00300 0.00143
130 0.00356 0.00563 0.00403 0.00351 0.00153
140 0.00349 0.00594 0.00449 0.00388 0.00169
150 0.00366 0.00673 0.00576 0.00432 0.00183
160 0.00411 0.00779 0.00665 0.00483 0.00200
170 0.00411 0.00906 0.00708 0.00540 0.00217
180 0.00438 0.01020 0.00787 0.00597 0.00227
190 0.00493 0.01057 0.00832 0.00652 0.00245
200 0.00528 0.01143 0.00905 0.00711 0.00267

Parsing JSON in node is really fast and beats Go when no structure about JSON is provided (which is how parsing in node is done). Only with information about the structure, the non-standard jsoniter library is faster.

If you have any relevant link, project, idea, comment, feedback, critique,
language fix, or any other information, please share it bellow. Thanks.