Presentation and release of nodewatcher 3.0 at Battlemesh v8. Nodewatcher is an open source network planning, deployment, monitoring and maintenance platform with emphasis on community. Version 3.0 is a complete rewrite bringing modularity and extensibility.
THE DATA AND THE SOVEREIGN RESIDENCIES - calling for European art practitioners to apply for one of eight production residencies taking place in Ljubljana, Prague, Tallinn and online.
@siderea Probably there is still some uniform schema documents in MongoDB have, even if theoretically each document can have a different one. So asking for document schema could be enough. Or just an example of few documents.
It is interesting that there are no bikes in Star Trek. One would assume that you have to get to transporter hubs somehow.
EDRi is looking for an Executive Director (permanent position)
So many great job positions at @sovtechfund if you care about open source:
Kakšna je vloga tehnoloških gigantov pri širjenju dezinformacij in kako učinkovita je pri njihovem omejevanju EU?
Pridruži se nam jutri, 13. decembra, ob 11. uri v hiši EU, kjer bo na razpravi, ki jo organizira Predstavništvo Evropske komisije v Sloveniji, sodeloval tudi Filip!
How to use a legitimate browser extension to steal credit cards.
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@jub0bs Amazing. You are right. Thanks for this. I just learned something new. :-)