Posts tagged "benchmark"

JSON decoding in node is fast

I made a benchmark comparing how long it takes to decode JSON in node.js and Go. As I have noticed in the past, JSON decoding in node.js is really fast.

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Store IDs in MongoDB as binary or as string?

I was curious if MongoDB compression can efficiently store IDs if they are represented as string instead in a more compact binary form. So I made a benchmark and measure compression performance of three available compressors: zlib, snappy, and zstd.

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In node.js, always query in JSON from PostgreSQL

Recently I was exploring the use of PostgreSQL as a replacement for MongoDB. PostgreSQL has in recent versions great support for JSON. You can store JSON values and you can even make indices on JSON fields. When combined with node.js and its driver things look almost magical. You read from PostgreSQL and you get automatically a JavaScript object, JSON fields automatically embedded. But can we also use JSON for transporting results of queries themselves, especially joins? In MongoDB the idea is to embed such related documents. In PostgreSQL we could also embed them instead of joining them, but would that be faster? I made a benchmark to get answers.

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