Posts tagged "future"

Rising sea level will save us!

I do not understand why people have issues with sea level rising. I think we should just take the opportunity. Cheaply build tidal power plants on what is currently easy to build on land and then just wait for sea to come and power them up. Cheap energy. For whole world. No more wars.

A great talk by Bret Victor about the future of programming

A great talk by Bret Victor about the future (or past?) of programming.

Parrots the Universe and Everything

Parrots the Universe and Everything is a beautiful set of stories by Douglas Adams which show an interesting perspective of relation between human animal and nature.

Slovenia in 21st century

When I look at Slovenia I see a country without a vision. Without imagination what would make the country something special. What would put it on the map. I see many great individuals with great ideas doing great things. But as a country? A small country lost somewhere in the middle of the Europe, without its own path, just following and responding to internal and external pressures. Not really in control of its own future.

Maybe it is because our politicians are corrupt, but maybe it is also because we don’t really want to change things. We don’t aim for some bright future, but would just like that it is “good enough”. We just want to survive. We don’t see the country as something which is ours and over which we have some control and which we can improve and improve until it shines.

So how do you want to see Slovenia in 21st century? For what it should be known? What should be those ways which would bring prosperity to it? We should do new things for that, as a country, we cannot just replicate others.

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