My talk about how we can create real digital libraries. Those which not just archive publications, but provide social interactions around books as well. In short: involve the community to build tools for various social interactions around digital publications and for that to be possible publishers should offer APIs.
We made a new video talking about the emerging community of PeerLibrary, as well as the project’s origins in the open access movement.
via peerlibrary
Presentation of PeerLibrary at iAnnotate 2014 conference in San Francisco. Including the demo of current version in development, 0.2.
via peerlibrary
For PeerLibrary project we had discussions on how much distributed or centralized should we make it. It is a cloud service and centralizing (unifying) user base and content has clear benefits for both end users and developers. End users have better user experience and ease of use, all content is available quickly and easily, and all other users are there, making social experience better. For developers, code can be much simpler and maintenance of only one instance makes it easier to deploy new versions and push security fixes quickly. It is easier to collect statistics and do A/B testing on a large sample. On the other hand, having multiple instances of PeerLibrary distributed around the world makes whole system more robust, specialized instances could be offered, privacy of users increased. Having PeerLibrary distributed would make forkability easier, encouraging more community control of both the project and the content (commons), preventing corruption of the main instance or core project.
I argue that what if we want a distributed system, what we in fact want is what I call “proactive federation” and not simple federation.
We released a 0.1 version of PeerLibrary. Check it out live. It is a really very beta version, with many planned features missing, but so that you can get a better taste of what is coming. Please, give us feedback.
via peerlibrary
Presentation of PeerLibrary and open access tools panel at Creative Commons Global Summit 2013 in Buenos Aires. Slides.
via peerlibrary
Hacktivations bring together developers, designers and storytellers to come together and hack for good on software projects that are creating social good through their work. PeerLibrary will be one among 8 projects to hack on this time. Come!
via peerlibrary
THE DATA AND THE SOVEREIGN RESIDENCIES - calling for European art practitioners to apply for one of eight production residencies taking place in Ljubljana, Prague, Tallinn and online.
@siderea Probably there is still some uniform schema documents in MongoDB have, even if theoretically each document can have a different one. So asking for document schema could be enough. Or just an example of few documents.
It is interesting that there are no bikes in Star Trek. One would assume that you have to get to transporter hubs somehow.
EDRi is looking for an Executive Director (permanent position)
So many great job positions at @sovtechfund if you care about open source:
Kakšna je vloga tehnoloških gigantov pri širjenju dezinformacij in kako učinkovita je pri njihovem omejevanju EU?
Pridruži se nam jutri, 13. decembra, ob 11. uri v hiši EU, kjer bo na razpravi, ki jo organizira Predstavništvo Evropske komisije v Sloveniji, sodeloval tudi Filip!
How to use a legitimate browser extension to steal credit cards.
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@jub0bs Amazing. You are right. Thanks for this. I just learned something new. :-)